Thursday, 13 December 2012

my favourite footwear

Thought I may as well upload this one. This is, as you can see, the image of the background of the banner. It's just drawn with some blue biros (and a hint of green). It was drawn on a canvas about A4, given to me by a good friend (cheers ribena!) in a pack of about five, which was brilliant because I never get the opportunity to draw on anything fancier than my trusty moleskine. I have so many sketches of shoes, and I'm actually in the middle of drawing one now.

But here's another one. I'm pretty sure that on all five of my canvases I drew shoes. They will also all probably get uploaded sometime soon, as I have many many pictures in my archives. But before I actually have to do anything new, and can rely on my vast resources of previously scanned sketches, here is another one of said shoes. This one's an actual converse, I don't even think it's mine, I might've stolen it from my cousin... oh well. It too was drawn in just a biro, green this time, obviously, and the laces in pencil. (click the images to view larger) Cheers for reading and I'll be back in another couple days.